Angela Gustus

Angela has worked with individuals with disabilities living in the community for over 25 years and is now the CEO of CMAG Health Solutions, LLC. An alum of Morgan State University, where she earned a Bachelor of Arts in Sociology, Angela also has a master’s degree in Public Administration. She is now poised to defend her dissertation for a doctorate. Angela has held leadership positions in government and nonprofit human services organizations and now leads the CMAG Team in developing services that allow individuals to live safely at home.

The CMAG Healthcare Technology division uses Remote Caregiver Systems and Wellness Analytics to notify families of potentially significant changes to a loved one’s everyday routine. Home automation, security, and video technologies have enabled seniors to live where they want while their families have peace of mind knowing they are safe at home in the community.

Located in Owings Mills, Maryland, CMAG Health Solutions. LLC is a licensed healthcare organization and provides Remote Caregiver Systems throughout Maryland.

Angela can be reached at (410) 517-2624 or by email at Please feel free to contact her with any questions you may have!


CMAG Health Solutions, LLC
11155 Dolfield Blvd, Suite 110
Owings Mills MD 21117

Individual MSRN member since June, 2022.
Corporate MSRN member since June, 2022.

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