Beating the Holiday Blues

The holidays can be very difficult for seniors, especially those dealing with health difficulties, loss and the increased pressures surrounding the season.

Lonliness during the holidays

Dealing with Sadness During the Holidays

Many seniors feel an increase in sad feelings as winter creeps in. Feeling lingering sadness or mental and physical limitations in light of all of the traditions, dinners and visits from family can be challenging to cope with. It is difficult for many seniors to speak openly about their depression with family.

If you are looking to help your loved ones beat the holiday blues:

  • Acknowledge that they might be feeling a little down and let them know they can talk about their feelings with you.
  • Stay connected with them throughout the year, and make an effort to reach out more often during the season so that they aren’t home alone or without plans.
  • Offer help with a specific part of the holiday preparations, like baking Christmas cookies together or putting up holiday lights. Remember that they might not ask for help if it isn’t offered, especially when asking for help means admitting they are not as mobile as before.

What to Do If You’re Concerned About Your Parents

If you are returning home from the holidays to aging parents or grandparents, it’s a good time to take stock of how they are doing, whether they live independently, in a retirement community or an assisted living facility.

If you’re concerned that your loved ones are coping poorly with the holiday blues or that their health might be suffering, be on the lookout for:

  • Changes in mobility
  • Weight change
  • Unpaid bills
  • Objects left in odd places
  • Trouble remembering the names of items around the house
  • Sudden changes in personality or mood

If you noticed anything concerning, you should first mention it to your siblings or the current caregivers for your parents. Serious problems are always worth discussing with a trusted advisor at Senior Care Lifestyles. We can guide you through the process of exploring what options are available for your loved ones, including in-home care and senior living communities. We have assisted hundreds of families with finding effective and affordable solutions for their loved ones. You never need to deal with the holiday blues alone!



DEBORAH BAKALICH, Owner    410-977-3718 or   WEBSITE: