BYKOTA (Be Ye Kind One To Another) ASK THE EXPERT PANEL May 21, 2018

May 21, 2018, MSRN presented an Ask The Expert Panel at BYKOTA Senior Center in Towson.  Those on the panel were: Deb Bakalich,  Heather Murphy, Cheryl Boone, Sherry Rush, Ann Marie Ferretti, Ellen Platt and Adam Zimmerman.  The topics covered were, Senior Living Options, Senior Move Management, Real Estate, Paralegal/Medicaid Planning, In Home Care Services, Geriatric Care Management and, always the most popular, Estate Planning and Administration.

Adam Zimmerman asked how many in the audience had their Will in place.  There were 4 who did not.  Adam reminded every one that all Wills, Financial Power of Attorney, Medical Power of Attorney,  etc. should be reviewed at least every 5 years.  Often banks will not recognize a power of attorney if the designation was made 10-15 years ago.  They want up to date POAs.

Cheryl Boone reminded all that when selling a home that your personal belongings should not be lying around when you show your house.  You want the people looking at the house to envision it to be theirs.  Seeing personal belongings sitting around will destroy that thought.  Also, clean windows let more light into your house, making it more appealing.

Heather Murphy reminded people to de-clutter and downsize when considering to move to a retirement community,

Ann Marie Ferritti talked about making sure the agency you work with for in home care is licensed and that the care takers who are sent to your home are employed by that agency, not subcontracted out.  You will then be protected if that person were to fall in your home or if something goes missing from your home.

Ellen Platt discussed how a Care Manager will come out to the patient’s home and create and implement care plans and provide patient advocacy.

Sherry Rush, talked about her company being an advocate devoted to preserving and protecting assets against the rising costs of nursing homes and long term care expenses.

The facilitator was Deborah Bakalich.  MSRN’s presentation was professional and well done.  The BYKOTA Executive Director, Julie Lynn, thanked us for coming to BYKOTA.  She appreciated all the information from our members.