Music and Art can enrich the lives of people with Alzheimer’s disease.  Both allow for self-expression and engagement, even after dementia has progressed.


Music can be very powerful.  Studies have shown music may reduce agitation and improve behavioral issues that are common in the middle-stages of the disease. Even in the late-stages of Alzheimer’s a person may be able to tap a beat or sing lyrics to a song from their childhood.  Music provides a way to connect, even after verbal communication has become difficult.

READ MORE ABOUT Tips when selecting music for a person with dementia:


Art projects can create a sense of accomplishment and purpose.  They can provide the person with dementia ——-as well as caregivers—–an opportunity for self-expression.

READ MORE ABOUT: When Planning an art activity for someone with middle-to late-stage Alzheimer’s, keep these tips in mind:



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Submitted by Pat France, MSRN Member