Is your nap game sharp?

Most of you probably don’t have enough time to take a nap throughout the day, but power naps are probably the solution to your problem.

Napping may improve your brain function, problem-solving skills, verbal memory, perceptual learning, object learning and statistical learning. This will improve your reaction time, help you do math easily, and your logical reasoning will improve, too. Naps are great for your fatigue, and you will never ever be moody again.

That’s not all. Naps reduce stress, regulate weight, strengthen heart and lower blood pressure.

According to experts at the National Sleep Foundation, naps are split in three categories:

  • Planned (preparatory napping) includes taking a nap before you even get sleepy. It prevents tiredness and fatigue. Some people like to take a nap if they know that they will work at night.

  • Emergency napping is the nap you take when you feel tired and unable to do your daily tasks. It treats drowsiness and fatigue, especially if you work with heavy machinery.

  • Habitual napping includes taking a nap at the same time every day. Adults take a nap throughout the day, and the same applies to babies.

A Greek study confirmed that men who nap three times a week have a 37% lower risk to die from heart-related conditions when compared to those who don’t take a nap.

People in Spain have siesta. British and American people don’t really take a nap, and statistics shows that heart attack is the leading cause of death in these countries.

Naps improve physiological benefits and rejuvenate your body and mind.

In 1995, NASA released a study in which they evaluated the effect of 747 pilots taking 40-minute naps during the day. These naps improve their performance by 15% in median reaction time and 34% in lapses compared to the No-Rest Group.

In 2008, studies showed that naps are much better than caffeine in terms of improving mental functioning.

A short nap provides a lot of benefits, and its length determines the benefits you’ll get:

  • 20 minutes – improves memory, mental alertness and motor learning skills

  • 20-30 minutes – improves creativity and memory

  • 30-60 minutes – improves decision-making skills and memory

  • 60-90 minutes – provides REM, and is viewed as the most beneficial. This nap resets your brain and improves your problem-solving skills.

Take a nap whenever possible. However, you should pay attention to your sleep pattern, especially if you are dealing with sleeping disorders.

Naps are important for you. You charge your phone, right? Your body needs the same charging. You need to take a nap throughout the day to keep yourself vital and alert.



Article submitted by Pat France, MSRN Member