7 Alzheimer’s Disease Stages and Symptoms

  • Alzheimer’s disease is a generalized deterioration of brain function that progresses in individuals.

  • Depending upon which experts are researched, Alzheimer’s disease can have as few as three or as many as seven stages (some stages may include sub stages), but all agree on a gradual and progressive loss of brain functions; the global deterioration scale (GDS) is widely accepted and has seven stages.

  • Stage 1: no symptoms

  • Stage 2: symptoms include mild memory loss, decreased concentration, forgetting names

  • Stage 3: symptoms include forgetting new information, declining work performance, difficulties with future plans and organizational problems, repeating questions

  • Stage 4: symptoms include difficulties with complex actions, can’t plan ahead, depression, withdrawn, shun challenging situations

  • Stage 5: symptom include difficulties remembering home address or phone number, need assistance for common tasks such as making a meal, disorientation to time and/or place, a decline in personal hygiene habits

  • Stage 6: symptoms include requiring assistance in getting dressed, forgetting names of close family members, personality changes including paranoiahallucinations, and delusions, needs assistance with personal hygiene, may require constant monitoring

  • Stage 7: the person may not be able to talk or respond rationally, may not be able to control muscle movements, may not be able to sit upright, and eventually, some individuals will not be able to swallow food or liquids

This article submitted by Pat France, MSRN Member