7 Signs and Symptoms of Magnesium Deficiency
Written by Atli Arnarson BSc, PhD — Medically reviewed by Alana Biggers, M.D., MPH — Updated on March 25, 2021
Magnesium deficiency, also known as hypomagnesemia, is an often overlooked health problem.
While less than 2% of Americans have been estimated to experience magnesium deficiency, one study suggests that up to 75% are not meeting their recommended intake (1Trusted Source).
In some cases, deficiency may be underdiagnosed since the obvious signs commonly don’t appear until your levels become severely low.
The causes of magnesium deficiency vary. They range from inadequate dietary intake to loss of magnesium from the body (2Trusted Source).
Health problems associated with magnesium loss include diabetes, poor absorption, chronic diarrhea, celiac disease and hungry bone syndrome. People with alcoholism are also at an increased risk (3Trusted Source, 4Trusted Source).
This article lists 7 symptoms of magnesium deficiency.
1. Muscle Twitches and Cramps
Article submitted to MSRN by Pat France, MSRN Member