What Does a Fibromyalgia Attack Feel Like?
Medically Reviewed on 8/25/2020
Symptoms may begin after acute psychological stress, physical trauma
Symptoms may begin after acute psychological stress, physical trauma, surgery, or other systemic infections. Sometimes, there may be no identifiable trigger.
A patient with fibromyalgia typically presents with the following:
Widespread pain: The pain is constant and dull and lasts for at least three months. The pain occurs throughout the body, on both sides of the body, and below and above the waist. Aches may be moderate to unbearable.
Fatigue: Patients with fibromyalgia are always tired, and they even wake up feeling tired, despite sleeping for long periods of time. The pain can even cause sleep disturbance. Patients also have other sleep disorders such as restless legs syndrome or sleep apnea (temporary cessation of breathing during sleep).
Cognitive difficulties: This is also referred to as “fibro fog.” Fibromyalgia affects the ability to focus and pay attention to mental tasks.
What is fibromyalgia?