Why Cucumbers Are Good for You
- Reviewed By: Christine Mikstas, RD, LD Reviewed on 7/31/2019
The average adult takes in about 3 quarts (12 cups) of water every day. Around a quarter of that typically comes from food. Cucumbers are an excellent source. Each one is about 95% water. That’s important because your cells need enough water to work right. Without it, you can get dizzy and sick. In serious cases, you may need to go to the hospital for treatment.
Keeping a Healthy Weight
All that water in cucumbers doesn’t just hydrate your cells. It also fills your belly, and that may help you eat less. A cup of sliced cucumbers has just 16 calories. That means it has very low “energy density.” People who eat more foods with low energy density often find it easier to lose weight.