Fainting: What Makes You Faint?
You’re Dehydrated
Dehydration can happen if you don’t drink enough or you lose too much fluid. Then your blood pressure drops and your nervous system can’t control it well, which could make you faint. That’s why it’s a good idea to get plenty of water, especially when it’s hot outside. If your pee isn’t clear, you may need a bit more to drink.
It means your heart has an irregular beat. That sometimes slows the flow and amount of blood that gets to your brain, which can make you pass out. It may be the first or only obvious symptom of the problem. See your doctor right away if you suspect arrhythmia because it could be a sign of a serious heart problem that needs treatment.
CONTINUE READING: https://www.medicinenet.com/faint_fainting_slideshow_reasons/article.htm?ecd=mnl_spc_060122
Article Submitted by Pat France, MSRN Member