Medically Reviewed on 1/7/2022

Is male menopause real?

Andropause is the name used to refer to the symptoms men get when going through male menopause.

Andropause is the name used to refer to the symptoms men get when going through male menopause.

Men usually go through a phase of hormonal changes later in their lives, just like women. This is called andropause or male menopause. Andropause is the name used to refer to the symptoms men get when going through menopause.

The word “menopause” accurately describes what happens to women when they age and can’t reproduce again. In men, reproduction never stops completely. When men get older, though, their testosterone levels may go down due to factors like illnesses and lifestyle. Testosterone is the male sex hormone. It is useful in hair growth, generating sperm, and strengthening muscles and bones.

The word “male menopause,” then, is not an entirely accurate description of what happens in males. The testosterone drop in men due to aging may be called androgen deficiency, testosterone deficiency syndrome, or late-onset hypogonadism.

Men’s testosterone levels start to drop once they hit age 40. A man’s testosterone levels may also start reducing due to some drugs and lifestyle choices. Andropause is not the same as female menopause. It does not happen to all men. The men that undergo andropause will not be able to reproduce after getting the symptoms. Other names used to describe andropause are hypogonadism, testosterone deficiency syndrome, and androgen deficiency.