
Are Your Nightmares Actually Trying to Warn You About Something?

The silhouette of someone standing alone in the woods at night, a common nightmare theme.

Falling from a high place, being chased by a vicious animal, wandering around lost or helpless… what do all these things have in common? If you hadn’t already guessed it, the scenarios are just a few of the most common themes that people report experiencing in their nightmares. But what do these nightmares actually mean — and can they be a warning sign that something is wrong?

Ahead, we’ll explore what you need to know about the most common nightmares, including when chronic nightmares may be a potential sign of a larger health issue.

What are the most common nightmares?

Nightmares, like dreams, can come in all shapes and sizes – but as it turns out, there are a few common themes that people seem to grapple with when they experience nightmares.

One studyTrusted Source from 2018 published in the Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine explored the most common nightmare themes in more than 1,200 participants. The results of the study found several common themes among those experiencing frequent nightmares:

  • 19% — death or injury to loved ones

  • 18% — failure or helplessness

  • 18% — physical aggression

  • 15% — accidents

  • 14% — being chased

  • 11% — health-related concerns or death

Interestingly, the results of the study also found several differences in nightmare themes between sexes. For example, more females reported experiencing themes such as physical aggression and health-related concerns, while more males reported nightmares about helplessness and accidents.

Infographic listing common nightmares people reported.

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Article submitted to MSRN by Pat France, MSRN Member

By |2023-01-27T15:44:06-05:00January 27th, 2023|Categories: Articles for Seniors|Tags: |
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