You can lower your risk of stroke by managing modifiable risk factors.

You can lower your risk of stroke by managing modifiable risk factors.

Strokes occur due to the obstruction of blood flow to the brain. Two types of strokes obstruct the blood flow to the brain.

  • Ischemic strokeThis type of stroke occurs due to the formation of clots.

  • Hemorrhagic strokeThis type of stroke occurs due to bleeding in the brain.

Some irreversible factors, such as age and family history, are likely to increase the risk of stroke. These factors cannot be modified. However, many such preventable or modifiable factors can help prevent strokes.

Here are several ways to start reining in your risks today to prevent stroke before it happens.

  • Treat hypertension: Hypertension is the most potent risk factor for stroke. It increases the risk of stroke by two- to four-fold before the age of 80. Hypertension is associated with thickened artery walls and the deposition of cholesterol or other fats to form plaques. High blood pressure can weaken the arteries and can make them burst, leading to hemorrhagic stroke. Several methods to control high blood pressure include

    • Maintaining a proper weight

    • Avoiding drugs that raise blood pressure

    • Cutting down on salt

    • Eating fruits and vegetables to increase potassium levels

    • Exercising regularly

    • Monitoring and controlling blood pressure

  • Quit cigarette smokingCigarette smoke causes a two-fold increase in the risk of

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