Skin Problems Associated with Aging

Actinic Keratosis

Actinic keratosis from sun exposure is a common manifestation of skin aging.

Actinic keratoseis are precancerous skin growths due to excess sun exposure. These growths are also called solar keratosis. The growths look like dry crusty patches that are slightly raised. They may be red, tan, flesh-toned, or pink.

You can develop these growths anywhere you get excess ultraviolet light sun exposure or manmade sources like tanning salons. People most commonly get them on the scalp, ears, neck, face, lips, and shoulders. The forearms and back of the hands are other locations where actinic keratosis often appears.

Actinic keratosis can turn into squamous cell carcinoma, a type of skin cancer. If you develop these growths, see your dermatologist. They are treatable with a topical cream or the doctor may remove them surgically or freeze or burn them off.

Seborrheic Keratosis

Seborrheic keratosis also occurs with aging skin.

One of the skin changes with age includes the appearance of seborrheic keratoses. These benign growths are tan, brown, or black and tend to appear on the chest, head, back, and chest. Some people describe their appearance as waxy and raised. Seborrheic keratosis are more common in people over the age of 50 and they tend to run in families.

If you’re prone to developing these growths, you’re likely to get multiple ones. They’re not dangerous, but they may be unsightly or bother you. If they do, see the dermatologist to have them removed. A dermatologist can tell whether a growth is a seborrheic keratosis or something more serious like skin cancer. If they aren’t sure, they can take a biopsy for confirmation.

Liver Spots


Article submitted to MSRN by Pat France, MSRN Member