Reasons Why Your Fingers Are Swollen

 Fluid Retention

Swelling happens when body fluids collect in tissues or joints.

Swelling happens when body fluids collect in tissues or joints. Sometimes your pinkie might be puffy. Or you may have trouble slipping your rings on and off. A salty meal could be one culprit. That’s usually not a cause for worry. But other times, your swollen fingers and hands can signal a health problem that needs your attention.

Exercise and Heat

Your heart, lungs, and muscles need oxygen to fuel your workout.

Your heart, lungs, and muscles need oxygen to fuel your workout. So, more blood goes to those places and less flows to your hands. Small blood vessels react to this change and expand, and that swells your fingers. Something similar happens when your body heats up in hot weather. To cool down, blood vessels in your skin swell to allow heat to leave the surface. This is totally normal.

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Article submitted to MSRN by Pat France, MSRN