What Happens to Your Body When You Quit Alcohol for a Month?
Key Takeaways
Dry January is a sober challenge where participants avoid alcohol for a month.
Experts say some benefits, like improved sleep and hydration, can happen within 24 hours after you stop drinking alcohol.
A monthlong break from alcohol also allows liver cells to recover from alcohol injury.
Does Dry January make a difference for your health if you just quit alcohol for a month?
Experts say there are benefits to quitting alcohol for a short period, even if you’re a social or moderate drinker.
“A lot of times people engage in behaviors that are habitual and they’re not even aware of why they do what they do or when they do what they do,” Tavis Glassman, MPH, PhD, a professor of public health at The University of Toledo, told Verywell. “Simply tracking your alcohol over a month would be a good idea.”
Different Drinking Levels…
This article was submitted to MSRN for publication by Pat France, MSRN Volunteer