If You’re Over 65, You May Not Need These Common Medical Tests and Screenings
Key Takeaways
Older adults who seek healthcare are at risk for overtreatment and having screenings that they don’t need.
Many common medical tests are not recommended after a certain age or if you’re not having symptoms.
Patients should ask their healthcare provider to explain why a test is recommended and speak up if they aren’t sure why it’s needed.
After the age of 65, many people find themselves in a healthcare provider’s office more frequently for help with managing a chronic disease or just to “keep an eye on” their health. Since having access to quality healthcare in the United States is not a given, being proactive about your health if you’re able is generally a smart move.
That said, there can be such a thing as too much of a good thing—even when it comes to medical care. Many older adults don’t realize that some routine screenings and treatments may not be necessary and can even be harmful for them.
A recent study highlighted…
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This article submitted to MSRN by Pat France, MSRN Volunteer