Top 10 Anti-Aging Foods to Fit Into Your Diet

These anti-aging foods will help you eat your way to a longer life expectancy. Add these delicious foods into your daily diet and you will be decreasing your risk for illnesses and age-related problems. Just pick one or two to add in each week.


Avocado and eggs
@cherylishungry via Twenty20

Avocados have to be one of the most delicious foods out there. Mix up a little guacamole or slice a few up on your salad for an anti-aging treat. Avocados are one of the best foods around for anti-aging and longevity. Why? First of all, they are delicious. But more importantly, avocados are filled with healthy fats and other nutrients to help your body live longer and work better.1 2



Cracked and whole walnuts on burlap
ermingut/Getty Images

Walnuts are the perfect snack for anti-aging. They give you protein and omega-3s in a safe, convenient form. Eat a handful every day. Walnuts are a great anti-aging food because of the amount of omega-3s in just a handful. These omega-3 fatty acids are real longevity tools. They fight off heart disease by improving your HDL cholesterol level.2 Make walnuts part of your day, every day.




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This Article Submitted to MSRN by Pat France, MSRN Volunteer